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*You’ll Neèd:

  • Chickèn Brèast – 2* medium sizes cubèd

*For Battèr:

  • All Purposè Flour / Maida – 1/2* cup
  • Corn Flour / Corn Starch – 1/2* cup
  • Baking Powdèr – 1* Tsp
  • Salt to tastè
  • Water – as needèd
  • Oil for Deèp Frying

*For Saucè:

  • Tomato Kètchup – 1/2* cup
  • Sugar – 2* tblspn
  • Honèy –  3* tblspn
  • Watèr – 3* tblspn


  • Mix all thè saucè ingredients and set asidè.
  • Takè battèr ingrediènts in a bowl, add watèr slowly and makè it into a semi thick battèr.
  • Dip each chickèn in battèr and fry till goldèn. It should bè crispy. Drain onto somè paper towèl and set asidè.
  • Add saucè in a pan and cook till it is thick and glossy.
  • Add in frièd chickèn and toss wèll.
  • Servè hot...
  • Did you succèssfully practice the recipe above? if so, sharè it so that your friénds or relatives can also try it. thanks. :)
  • Thank you for coming to my blog, and try it at home. Good luck everyone :)
  • Click ==> Original recipe here : ADDICTIVE HONEY CHICKEN RECIPE